About us

Established in 1997, Grace Baptist Church has been the home of soul conscious, God-glorifying, Bible-believing, saved-by-grace Christians ever since.

We are an independent, Bible-believing/practicing Baptist Church.

For us Church is not a concert for the excitement of the senses, or a museum for the display of the perfect, it is a family united in its commonly shared goals and love for the Creator of the universe.


Get in touch

Our Pastor is available to be a blessing to you. Please feel free to contact us and he will do what he can to be a help.

Email us ▸





Nick Watt

Pastor Watt grew up in Hamilton, but studied at Hyles-Anderson College in the greater Chicago Area in the United States. He has been pastoring our church since October of 2007. He is married to hard-working Beth, and has children (Abby and Zack). Currently, our Pastor is bi-vocational - balancing life in the secular workforce, with Church and family responsibilities.

He is a self-described nerd who enjoys computers, board games and cricket. Somehow he manages to incorporate all of these into his three main areas of responsibility - family, Church and work.



Hyles-Anderson College
Bachelor of Pastoral Theology, 2006